1. You must be at least 18 years old

2. You can’t do anything unlawful, misleading, or fraudulent or for an illegal or unauthorized purpose

3. You can’t attempt to create accounts or access or collect information in unauthorized ways

4. You can’t post private or confidential information or do anything that violates someone else’s rights, including intellectual property

5. You may not upload viruses or malicious code or do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working or appearance of our Products

6. Not allowed

Nudity and pornography-Sex toys and sex acts (real or mimicked)-Graphic text and emoji around sexual acts ((We can remove any content or information you share on the Service if we believe that it violates these Terms of Use, our policies)) ((We will also remove any discriminatory statements displayed on profiles.

7. You’re free to express your preferences, but we’d rather hear about what you’re into, not what you aren’t


We want BlueBuzzer to be a place where people feel welcome and safe to express themselves and share their thoughts and ideas.
If we determine that you have clearly, seriously or repeatedly breached our Terms or Policies, including in particular our Community Standards, we may suspend or permanently disable access to your account. We may also suspend or disable your account if you repeatedly infringe other people’s intellectual property rights or where we are required to do so for legal reasons.

Where we take such action we’ll let you know and explain any options you have to request a review, unless doing so may expose us or others to legal liability; harm our community of users; compromise or interfere with the integrity or operation of any of our services, systems or Products; or where we are restricted due to technical limitations; or where we are prohibited from doing so for legal reasons.You can learn more about what you can do if your account has been disabled and how to contact us if you think we have disabled your account by mistake.

8. BlueBuzzer, was design for our EZCruzing Customers – Driver Leaders – Vendors – and Company. Please be advised, that you need to have a EZCruzing account either as a passenger or driver account. Your phone number must match EZCruzing account or your BlueBuzzer account will be blocked. 

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